About The Hyaluron Pen
Hyaluron Pen is the newest technology of injecting Dermal Fillers without a needle The purpose of the treatment is to inject Hyaluronic Acid to build volume of lips or reduce appearance of wrinkles.
The pen works with spring and piston, which allow, under pressure, quick and even delivery of serum /Hyaluronic Acid/ under the skin through a hole with a diameter of 0.17 mm, which is two times smaller than the needle thickness for injection. Serums are absorbed much better and faster than with the introduction of a needle.
Whether you want to reduce wrinkles or augment your lips size, Hyaluron Pen is the best treatment to have. The HYALURON PEN is the newest innovative needle free device for cosmetic treatments.

Hyaluron Pen Lip Treatment
Symmetrical and full lips are a feature of youthful attractiveness. Lips reach their fullness around our early twenties. As we age, natural substances that provide the skin with structure and volume, such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, decrease. This, along with environmental factors such as exposure to sun damage, smoking, etc., all contributes to how our lips age and form wrinkles. Over time the corners of the mouth also begin to droop resulting in the mouth frown. The shape of the upper lip known as the Cupid’s bow begins to flatten out and we start to lose the appearance of having full lips and volume.
Other areas of the face that can be treated effectively with the Hyaluron Pen - No Needle Dermal Filler are Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines. It’s one thing to frown and mean it, but it’s an entirely different problem if you look unhappy without intending to. And that’s the effect that marionette lines can have on you. If you would like to know more about Marionette Lines, causes, treatments we offer and prevention tips then click this box.

Treatment Areas
Nasolabial Folds
Marionette Lines

Hyaluron Pen is not invasive, requiring no downtime and is considered safe for most people who are in overall good health.The procedure isn’t safe for people who use certain heart medications or for women who are pregnant. You’ll experience minor redness and maybe swelling for a few days after the procedure.
It’s considered effective in lip enlargement, reducing wrinkles and building up skin elasticity. Ideal results can be achieved in one session, a few procedures may be necessary for the fuller lip look. Hyaluron Pen can give the same results as standard dermal filler injections.
Build volume of the Lips
Wrinkles reduction
Fine lines reduction
No Pain
Natural results
Fast treatment
No downtime
Are there any risks or side effects?
It’s non-invasive, requiring no downtime and considered safe for most people who are in overall good health. Like all cosmetic procedures, Hyaluron Pen isn’t without risk. The most common side effect is minor skin irritation immediately following the procedure.
Always ensure you visit a certified aesthetic practitioner for this procedure.

You may not be an ideal candidate for Hyaluron Pen if you:
are pregnant
have certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis or eczema
prone to cold sores
have open wounds
take certain heart medications
allergic to aesthetic (Lidocain)
have had radiation therapy recently
suffer from keloid scarring
Is it semi-permanent?
No - Hyaluronic fillers do not stimulate collagen production at all; they just temporarily enter the skin and are then absorbed. Therefore fillers used with Hyaluron Pen should be called non-permanent.

What is Hyaluronic Acid?
One of the reasons the procedure is simple and the substance inserted into the skin is safe is that the human body produces the exact same acid, that is actually composed of two sugars (Glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine).
Hyaluronic Acid exists in the human body (joints, eyeballs, skin). Hyaluronic Acid produced by the body itself exists in the Epidermis and Dermis layers of the skin and one of its main functions is to keep water inside the skin tissue (being part of the collagen fibre network in Dermis). The more Hyaluronic Acid there is inside the Epidermis and more importantly the Dermis layer of the skin, the more water is retained in the skin, the moister it is and the more youthful it looks.
What happens to our own Hyaluronic Acid?
Over the years, the body itself produces less Hyaluronic Acid - more specifically the collagen fibre network is stretched and allows less Hyaluronic Acid molecules to bind with water. It results in lesser hydration of the skin that, combined with thinning of fat tissue on the forehead and cheeks, and thickening of it on the neck and chin, results in deepening wrinkles.
What happens when you add some Hyaluronic Acid into the skin?
The Hyaluronic Acid found in the body is exactly the same as the Hyaluronic Acid inserted into the skin.. However, if you get a good filler, the longevity of the Hyaluronic Acid is absolutely different. The Hyaluronic Acid the human body produces has a pretty short lifespan (around 3-5 days), however the Hyaluronic Acid in the product that can be launched into the Demis with Hyaluron Pen can last for months (more specifically 4-6 months, usually, when it comes to fillers). This is possible due to cross-linking, that allows a higher number of connections to be made between the molecules of the Hyaluronic Acid inside the filler, thus slowing down the enzymatic degradation. Basically, it means that the substance still is removed from the body through the natural degradation process and it just takes more time, allowing the Hyaluronic Acid inserted to retain the water inside the skin over its longer life-span.
Hyaluron Pen vs. Injectable Fillers
The two belong in different categories that overlap only a tiny bit. Namely, fillers are injections that can have a large effect on the overall look of the human face. The thicker the filler is, the deeper it is injected, and the larger (and usually more permanent) the effect is. When it comes to Hyaluron Pen the fillers that can be used are very liquid and can only be inserted to the upper layer of the dermis - the Papillary dermis. This means that it only competes with a small category of HA fillers that do the same thing. Whilst being limited when it comes to deeper or subnormal injections (where filler injections are used to achieve results), Hyaluron Pen pretty much dominates in its own category because of its ease of use.
Is it like botox?
No, it is absolutely not like botox. First of all, Botox is not a filler and it is never injected into lips (however, sometimes some clients truly believe that it is). Botox just temporarily cuts off the nerve signals to some muscles therefore limiting the movements of those, achieving smoother skin as the wrinkles are now deepened by muscle movement. When it comes to Hyaluron Pen, it delivers very low viscosity, low elasticity filler into lips or facial skin. Two totally different tools that can sometimes solve the same problem. Is one better than the other? Well, not necessarily. As we all just know, injecting botox can be a lot more dangerous if the person is not an absolute professional who has enough medical and aesthetic beauty intervention background.
What is Hyaluronic Acid?
One of the reasons the procedure is simple and the substance inserted into the skin is safe is that the human body produces the exact same acid. It makes the exact same chemical substance; it is pretty impossible that one would get any sort of allergic reaction or complication from the substance itself. For fillers, the substance is produced using synthetic version. Hyaluronic Acid exists in the human body (joints, eyeballs, skin) produced by the body itself exists in Epidermis and Dermis layers of the skin and one of the main functions of it is to keep water inside the skin tissue, the more Hyaluronic Acid there is inside the Epidermis and more importantly Dermis layer of the skin, the more water is retained in the skin, the moister it is and the more youthful it looks. As we get older we loose quite a lot of the acid so the pen only enhances it.
How does Hyaluron Pen work?
It is a needle-free system that uses high enough pressure for a fine stream of hyaluronic acid filler to go into the skin.
How long does the result last?
Everyone is different; longevity of treatment will depend on age, skin condition and metabolism so although it’s difficult to answer from experience it can last from 3 to 12 months.
Will I feel any pain?
There is a little discomfort, but no pain.
Is there any risk?
As with all treatment procedures, there is always a risk, however it is minimal with the Hyaluron Pen. Some clients might experience swelling, bruising or blood spot right after the treatment.

Aftercare Advice Following Dermal Fillers
Your lips will likely be swollen after the procedure. You may also notice some redness or bruising at the injections sites, which is normal. Most side effects will be minor, and you will be able to resume most activities once the procedure is done.
Apply ice to your lips afterward using an ice pack or an ice cube covered in cloth (so it doesn’t stick to the lip and cause pain). This will help ease swelling, itching, bruising, and any other pain.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours after you get lip or any other dermal fillers. Elevated blood pressure and heart rate from exercise may make swelling or bruising worse. You can take Arnica tablets for bruising if your doctor approves, you will be given complimentary Arnica gel to apply at home following your treatment. It’s fine to engage in light activity like walking.
Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help your body heal. Hyaluronic Acid is also a humectant (attracts water) so drinking plenty of water will lengthen the life of your fillers.
Eat plenty of hydrating fruits and vegetables and try to avoid excess sodium, which may worsen swelling. Eat fresh pineapple, as it contains bromeliad that has been known to decrease bruising.
Avoid high temperatures like steam rooms, saunas, or heated exercise classes for 48 hours after treatment. High heat can make swelling more pronounced.
Ask your doctor which painkillers are OK to take in the days after your treatment. Paracetamol are fine, but not blood-thinning medications like ibuprofen or aspirin.
AVOID - Aspirin, NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin etc) St John's Wort, Vitamin E, Multivitamins, Krill Oil, Fish Oils, Flaxseed Oils, Omega-3, Gingko, Ginseng, Garlic & Glucosamine - These all thin the blood so can cause bleeding or bruises.
If you’re getting lip fillers for a specific event, make sure to leave plenty of time in between the procedure and the event to allow your lips to properly recover.
Try to sleep with your head elevated on pillows to reduce swelling. Do not sleep on your face.
Avoid makeup on your lips for up to 24 hours after.
Alcohol acts as a blood thinner and should be avoided for at least 24 hours after getting lip fillers. Alcohol can cause inflammation, increase the likelihood of bruising, and make swelling worse. It’s also a good idea to avoid alcohol a few days before your appointment. too.
Avoid flying for 1 week following your procedure. This is because the air pressure in a plane can make swelling and bruising worse.